Like many businesses on the Peninsula, Netfocus IT is preparing for the summer migration to the seaside suburbs. With sunshine comes crowds strolling past HQ with beach towels and, no doubt, iPhones in hand.
As we’ve all come to realise, ‘free time’ no longer means ‘screen-free time’, and Netfocus IT’s Remote Access solutions have expanded the boundaries of work beyond the office. This flexibility is a key factor in striving for the elusive work-life balance, but it raises an interesting question: beyond the networked office environment, who is managing your home IT? How secure is the data you’ve accumulated over time?
If you’re lucky, Santa may deliver a new iPad, and the festive celebrations that follow, along with holiday travels or beach time, are sure to result in an abundance of photos, uploads and Insta posts. With that comes an opportunity to consider your family IT network, ensuring valuable data such as photos, contacts and apps are protected from device damage, loss or theft. The team at Netfocus IT HQ are instore to assist you with genuine care and trusted support. As Authorised Apple Service Providers and Resellers, they’re fully qualified to assess, repair and service your Apple and PC devices. Beyond that, data management and retrieval, network integration and general IT guidance are their expertise.
Visit their Facebook page at Netfocus IT HQ for tips on data management, phone the team, or visit instore.