PC Service Centre
At Netfocus IT, customers can enjoy the convenience of support for PC’s and Windows systems, including general servicing, upgrades and data management.
Visit us for instore support and services at our retail Head Quarters.
We can assist you with a comprehensive range of services, including:
- PC Support, Servicing and upgrades
- Safety, security & parental settings guidance
- Scam email issues
- Data transfer including ‘old to new’ device support
- General trouble shooting
Before you come in
- Make sure you have a backup of your device
Data back up is ultimately your responsibility as the owner. We always prefer for our customers to perform an iCloud or backup to external HDD prior to visiting our store. Of course, this may not always be possible, or you may simply be unsure how to complete this process. If this is the case, phone our technicians on 1300 73 11 70 and we will guide you accordingly. Instore data recovery is part of our service offering, but will incur a fee. - Disable Passcodes and Passwords
To speed up repair times, we ask customers to disable any Passwords. Netfocus IT does not ask for, nor retain customer passwords. If your device retains a password after booking, our technicians will be unable to proceed with the service until it has been removed.